Thursday, November 29, 2012


it's a sketch that took me 2 hours straight... and it's slanted... again....
so i read the 3rd volume(it was amazing! the plot keeps thickening, light gets crazier, u get to see more of L's percentages and oddness!), and i completely guessed the entire chapter 23... the one where misa sends all those videos and everyone is like OMG. i already knew that a girl named misa who had a death note would come in, and i just couldn't stop my brain from telling me that this was her doing and that she traded her eyes with a shinigami. (stupid spoilers... they make me give myself spoilers.)
Drawing misa was nice. I know, the girl is so INCREDIBLY STUPID ( and i've only just met her) but drawing her was a nice break from drawing kira and L. they're guys. and they didn't wear anything especially interesting, so when i came to misa, i was excited. her gothic style is specifically the thing i needed.
  My sister came and asked me why light was bringing his death note to school, and i was like IT'S ART. of course, i didn't say it out loud, though i should've... (light's sneakers are fine this time! yay!)
L is eating some form of round candy... they are not gumballs, i know that much. Have u ever seen him eat anything healthy(in the first 3 volumes)? he must have high metabolism. some of my friends say that i have high metabolism, since i'm always eating macaroni, pasta, chocolate, or candy, BUT IM ALWAYS THE SAME. I do like lettuce, but we hardly buy it.

so this is my school-time death note fan art that i drew in my notebook, and which took me 2 hours to draw. why do i not draw other stuff? i do.
they just don't feel worthy of being shown to the internet world.   

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

my rainbow dashie chibi... watever....

and it was for my profile picture for my email, but it just didn't fit.

it was supposed to be a chibi rainbow dash, but it doesn't capture her personality...
she's too happy, is she not?
like a pinkie pie happy....
yea, that's all i wanted to share...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

nyan cat and tac nayn....


yes, i know, they're not cats in my picture but they're still nyan cat and tac nayn.
There's that whole argument about whether nyan cat is a guy or a girl, but i originally believed he's a guy, so that how i drew him. I drew this on inkscape, and was a bit disappointed by the program.  after a while of using the program's fill tool, my whole computer would become slow and i would have to close inkscape and lose what i drew.

My nyan cat/tac nayn drawing was just for testing out inkscape, since my new OS is linuxmint and linuxmint doesn't have a normal painting program (i had a tantrum and my mom installed this thing). I drew nyan cat first, so he look's crappier than tac nayn. It took forever to make this... and it looks weird. i think we can all agree that tac nayn looks better, poor nyan cat.
I didn't feel like making a background for this.
maybe as time goes by, i'll get used to using this program... or i'll install a new one.

Just tell me your opinions on the drawing.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

my deathnote necklace

i made a mini video/gif thingy to show u my deathnote necklace... it only took me half an hour to make, and u can tell.
it's not like i'm gonna sell it on etsy or anything, i'm happy the way it is.
it's not an authentic version, no how to use part and only contains 8 pages.
now, is the only thing i wear black? no and yes... i usually wear black... but i sometimes wear color. no one can spend their whole life wearing black.
this was a short post... and i've noticed the only posts i've blogged are about death note lately.
Don't worry, i've been working on a nyan cat and tac nayn picture, and it's turning out okay.
Also, i'm making it on the computer.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

kinda depressed... don't feel like giving this post a title...

i'm depressed over a spoiler...
i cried the first time i got a spioler about the death of a character in death note... so this time i'm trying not to let it have a big impact on me. i do have the same stomach ache though...
i don't even now if the spoiler is real, i don't want to find out...
never mind that, now!
i drew another kira and L picture, since the last one had a horrible mistake. i know it's kinda slanted, but that was a minor accident with the scanner. I asked some ppl who read the series how old they look and they said they look 12... not my intention, but i guess they could be  younger versions of kira and L. or perhaps they're chibis. i can only draw chibi stuffs. The hardest part in drawing this was light's shoes... i do not know how to draw sneakers. I hope L's hair isn't a complete fail...
over all, i guess i'm satisfied with the picture.

everyone's thinking i'm obsessed, at school, but i can't deny it. I mean i drew this in my notebook, an there's more sketches and entries. In my school planner, too. I just can't think of anything else to draw.

wat i don't get is why the first question u're asked by a fan is:
"who do like better, Kira or L?"
how am i going to answer a question like that?! All the girls i've met who read death note just lovelovelove L. Why? bcuz he's the good guy? Why do they hate on Light so much? he's a excellent character too.
They're both brilliant and amazing, how am i supposed to pick and choose?
so i just say kira.

(i think i started ranting, so i'll stop now.)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

a mistake

i noticed a mistake in my drawing, after i read the second volume of Death Note...

well, that's a blurry picture...
Anyway, don't u see it?! it's too horrible for words!!
it's an atrocity!  a calamity! a horror!
how many of u noticed this and did not tell? well, actually i'm glad u didn't tell me, since that would be a spoiler. So thank you...
And i can't blame myself, i was only on the first volume. All i saw of his hair was the ends, not the top of his head. If i had been remembering L's hair( or if i had even payed attention to it!) when my sister was telling the spoiler, i would had noticed that his hair is spikey, not just longish. 
it's not that bad.... still, if i ever draw another chibi L, i am not going to let this happen again.