Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Books- Why some people don't read them.

This post is about what I think is the reason some people don't read books. I  read most types of books, and i can't believe that some people don't like reading. So i came up with some theories. Maybe they can't relate to the main character at all (cuz they are the popular kid or the bully and they don't like the way the main character thinks about ppl like them).  Or maybe these kids are really lazy, think they are too cool.  But I think my first theory is the most accurate.
And then there's the issue about "ooooh, its too many wooooorrds....."  that kid's just lazy.   

And a note from my observations:
people treat a book like they treat a person. If it's a good book that I've read, I'll defend it against those arrogant Prima Donnas. Those other girls judge a book by the way it looks, just like the way they judge people, by the way they look.